Friday, May 23, 2008

Play telepathy, i wanna read your mind...

Let's take a telepathic listen to their thoughts....

Boy on the left: "He thinks I'm kidding, but I'm gonna get him drunk in a little bit and we'll do this again, but without the shorts!"
Boy on the right: "He thinks I'm kidding, but I'm gonna pretend I'm drunk in a little bit and we'll do this again, but without the shorts!"
Boy in the middle: "Oh PUH-lease, who the hell do they think they're kidding? I just wanna know when MY turn is!"

POLT Listening to "Without You" from the Rent Soundtrack

Come the millennium, in the month 12, in the home of the greatest power, the village idiot will come forth, to be acclaimed leader. - Nostradamus, 1555

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