Thursday, May 01, 2008

A mad melee of supply and demand driven by a gullible pride...

In the last 4 days, the price of oil has dropped roughly $6 a barrel. In that same time period, gas has dropped a penny a gallon.

From April 14-18, the price of oil increased roughly $6 a barrel. In that same time period, gas increased 12 cents a gallon.

But the price of gasoline is ALL about supply and demand. That's all. Just ask the oil company executives. Or the Republican leadership in this country. Or the Arabs. They'll all tell you, it's all about supply and demand.


It's about greed, and obscene profit, and gouging consumers, and politicans being the pockets of the oil companies monopoly. That's what it's all about.

Supply and demand my fat, white, hairy ass.

POLT Listening to "Steady As She Goes" by The Raconteurs

This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating. - George W. Bush


Bunny said...

Preach it brother Polt!

Gas here dropped to $3.74 today. This shit bites.

Anonymous said...

That's ok, I've been looking at the laws on the books in my state regarding registration requirements.

All due to the fact that I want to electrify the drive system on a car. Turns out our legislature was smart, the laws don't significantly point out the internal combustion motor, they just use the generic 'motor'.

Which means even electrified I'm on the hook for registration and taxes. What I'm not on the hook for is the per gallon tax on fuel, but I'll pay the gross receipts tax on the electric usage.

Typical Rhode Island, they fuck you every which way, and not in the good way.