Sunday, May 04, 2008

Today is not a happy day, it could've been our anniversary...

Today would have been my parents 45th Wedding Anniversary.

Yesterday, when I was at mom's, I told that I wanted to take her out to eat for lunch today. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but since it is a kind of special anniversary, I didn't want her to think that I was forgetting or ignoring it. And we could go anywhere she wanted.

So she mentioned a few places. And then she got kinda excited and said, "Oh, the Oller House!" Which is a somewhat fancy place here in town set up in an old Victorian House. I said okay. Then she looked to the floor, and got teary eyed and said, "No. No we shouldn't go there. He and I went there last year for our anniversary." And she didn't cry, but a few tears ran down her cheek.

I told her again i was sorry, and that she could choose anyplace she wanted. She said she'd have to think about it, and we went on talking.

Today, when i got there, she suggested Applebees in town. I was, honestly, a bit disappointed, as i had told her I take her anywhere she wanted to go, mentioning that even Harrisburg or Baltimore or DC weren't out of the question if there was somewhere there she wanted to go. But she settled on Applesbees, so that's where we went.

I had mentioned to her last night that i wanted to get a flower box or two to put on the balcony out front. She was surprised, as I have always had a black thumb, and killed any plant I have had. however, it seems the clean bathroom and kitchen, and the spring weather has given me a desire to try again. So after we ate, we went to both Wal-Mart and Lowe's and found nothing. So we're gonna go to other places another day and look and see what I can get...and how long it lasts before I kill the poor creatures.

And so we went back to her house and I hung out there, talking with her for about two hours. And then i left when she started drifting off to sleep on the couch. I knew she'd be napping soon after I left. to be truthful, I came home, turned on the tv, and promptly fell asleep on the couch for a half hour myself.

POLT Listening to "Galvanize" by The Chemical Brothers

"Sir, you can't sen glitter through the fax machine!" "Well, not with that attitude." - Xander, Frisky Dingo


Bunny said...

Like mother, like son!

That was sweet of you to think of your mom on their anniversary. I hope my kids are as wonderful to me one day (although I highly doubt they will be).

Anonymous said...

You are a good loving son, she is lucky to have you so close.
