Wednesday, May 07, 2008

We're all sinking from the weight, open wide and salivate...

It appears that maybe even Hillary knows the primary is over. She gave a very conciliatory speech last night. I think she's just looking for the right way to leave the race, with a bit of dignity. Although, the boat might have sailed on her after Pennsylvania.

At any rate, I am convinced even more, that Obama is the right choice. As I've mentioned, I've been listening to the Far Right, Radical Republican wingnuts on the radio, and prior to yesterday, I heard Glenn beck, Laura Ingrahm, Rush Limbaugh, and Micheal Savage all say things along the lines of "Hillary shouldn't drop out" "I've been impressed with her tenacity" "She's really a fighter" etc, etc, etc. And if those bunch of jokers are pulling for her to be the nominee, that just crystalizes it in my mind that Obama needs to be the nominee.

The far right wingnuts WANT Hillary to be the candidate. They are salivating like Pavlov's dogs at the thought of her running. I mean, their work is already done FOR them. All the have to do is go back the cesspool and pull out all the propoganda from 10-15 years ago they used back then. They are more anxious than a virgin groom on his wedding night to start using that stuff, everything from Vince Foster, to Paula Jones, to billing records, to blue dresses, to subpoenas, to probably how often she brushed her teeth. And they don't have to do any work, it's already been done, back then.

I think they're all scared of Obama, because they an see he's not running this campaign in the typical fashion. He's not pandering, ala the lifting the gas tax. he's not going negative against his opponent. He's getting tons and tons of donors from the Internet. He's actually talking issues, and hope, and not dwelling on non-issues, other than to defend himself from the non-issues thrown at him by his opponents. And I think they're scared of the thought of a young, charismatic man with ideas and a new way of doing things going up against an old tired Washington insider, doing things the Washington insider way.

I think they, the far right wingnuts, have a pretty good grasp on an Obama-McCain race...and the prospect scares them silly.

POLT Listening to "I Only Have Eyes For You" by Nikki Loney

Hey, I went through Princeton! I did. It was in a squadcar, but it was very educational. - Dr. johnny fever, WKRP In Cincinnati

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