Monday, May 12, 2008

You're wantin my body, I don't mind (Part 146)...


This week's theme: Hot Shirtless Guys in Jeans Taking Self-Pics in Mirrors!

(he seems a smidge presuptuous, dontcha think? Although looking like that, he probably isn't going to have any problem finding a use to those condoms.)

POLT Listening to "My Beautiful Friend" by Charltans UK Oil: 125.49 (-.51); Gas: 3.72 (+.03)

He throws you on the bed and you start humping and fucking and slurping and chewing and gnawing and death charming and screaming and scratching and you got a piece of flesh in your motuh and you don't know who's it is or what it is and you don't give a good God-damn about that because the bedsheets are in the air and the mattress is out the window and the box springs is in the closet and the next thing you know your ass is jammed between that bed frame and that wall and your legs are splayed straight up into heaven as if to say, "Thank you GOD, for this man! Ohhh, thank you, God. Thank you." - Stephanie Hodge


exile said...

very presumptuous

although, my condoms are sold in the twenty pack from costco, hehehe

Bunny said...

I'll take number 2, please, if he can explain whose curling iron that is on the counter since he doesn't have enough hair to curl . . .

I spend too much time analyzing the pics over at DSS; they've taught me what to look for - lol.

Anonymous said...

The kid in the red looks just like my neighbor hair and all.
