Thursday, May 22, 2008

The preacher man?, some are true, some do lie...

So McCain has finally disavowed Hagee. Was it because Hagee called the Catholic Church "The Great Whore"? No. Was it because he said God sent Katrina to New Orleans because they were going have a Gay Pride celebration? No.

It was revealed that previously, Hagee had said the Hitler was a hunter, sent by God, to get the Jews to move to the Holy Land. This was enough, and McCain denounced both the comments and the man who made them. A bit late, but better late than never.

Now, McCain just has to do the same thing to Pastor Paisley. On tape, he's shown to be saying that America was founded to destroy Islam. And this is Paisley, a man called by McCain, a great leader, a moral compass, a spiritual advisor. Do we really want a man running for president having a "spriritual advisor and moral compass" be a man that says Islam needs to be destoryed? Won't that play really well on Al-Jazeera? Won't that be playing right into the hands of Al-Quada?

Now that both McCain and Obama have had to distance themselves from a pastor, can we PLEASE put religion and politics where they belong: completely seperate and apart from each other!!! There's a wall between church and state for a reason. It would be great if pastors would stick to the pulpit and politicans would stick to the podium and not cross into the other's realm.

POLT Listening to "Got To Give It Up" by Marvin Gaye

Those of us who spent time in the agricultural sector in the heartland, we understand how unfair the death penalty is. - George W. Bush

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