Thursday, May 22, 2008

All the post-it notes with quotes stuck to your dashboard...

Back when I was a senior in high school, one of our assignments in English class was to keep a small notebook of quotes. Quote that meant something to us, or spoke to us or caught our attention. They could be funny, serious, poignant, whatever, just so long as they weren't offensive or obscene.

About ten years later, I stumbled upon the little notebook of quotes, and read them and thought some of them were pretty stupid and juvenile. But some of them were really insightful or funny. And so I transferred them to a new notebook and started collecting them again.

I've been doing it ever since. A few years ago, I transferred them all to the computer, and then, every calendar year after that, I'd keep a running list of the quotes I heard from that year. At the end of the year, I'd transfer them all to the big list. I'm still doing that now (although 2008's list only has 6 pages worth of quotes on it).

It's these various lists that I've been drawing from for the quotes at the bottom of all my posts. Some of those quotes run back to the orinigal list made in 1986. Some are as recent as, well, today. The list, up through 2007, though fills 70 pages of paper when printed out. (yeah I printed it out at work, i don't think my old printer could handle printing 7 pages at once, much less 70)

the reason I'm telling all this is I've used up the last quote from my 2007 list. So now, I'm going to delve into my 70 page all-time list of quote to put them at the end of the posts. This list could concievable last me 3 years, as that's how long the Palace has been in existance, and this is the firs time I have to reuse quotes.

A lot of these quotes were used in the first year of the Palace, when it was just me and a few close friends took me like three week to get 100 I get three hundred visits or more a day! At any rate, many of these, even if I've used them before, will be new to a great many current visitors. And even though they won't be at ALL new to me, I'll still enjoy them all. And I hope you all do as well.

POLT Listening to "The Rover" by Led Zeppelin

All the resplendent scenery, brillant storytelling and high-tech special effects in the world can't do for us what a gorgeous leading man can do with just a glance. - Michael Ferguson, Idol Worship

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