Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Would i support, his platform could i endorse...

Hillary won what? Where? By how much?

24 hours after her victory in West Virginia, Hillary is kicked outta the headlines by John Edwards' endorsement of Barack Obama. I dont have any more knowledge of this than you do, but I'm convinced Edwards told them sometime recently that he was going to endorse Obama, and Obama's campaign told him to hold off on it. They knew they were going to lose WV, and the geniuses in Obama's campaign made him wait until the day after the WV loss to announce it. It had the effect of totally blunting any momentum Hillary may have gained from WV.

Once more, along with all the stupendous fundraising, the outstanding speech on race, the handling of Wright, once more the Obama campaign shows it know HOW to campaign, and in a brilliant fashion.

Not since 1992 have I been looking more forward to a presidential campaign than I am this fall.

POLT Listening to "Starlight" by Muse Oil: 123.91 (-2.09); gas: 3.77 (-)

He's kind of a - probably feeling his oats pretty good about that time. - George W. Bush

1 comment:

Bunny said...

What was fascinating to me was WHERE Obama and Edwards chose to reveal Edwards' support of Obama - Grand Rapids, Michigan. This was interesting to me because it happened 1.5 miles from my house, but fascinating because western Michigan is considered a Republican stronghold. The city of GR leans Democratic, but it's suburbs and surrounding counties (incl where I grew up, which has never elected a Democrat for ANYTHING) are very, very Republican. More evidence of Democratic infiltration of traditionally Republican areas? Still, no one is going to unseat Rep. Vern Ehlers or Rep. Pete Hoekstra from our area. Both are extremely popular Republicans around here.