Wednesday, June 14, 2006

All the young dudes, carry the news...

Some news stories I found today, amongst all the work I was sweating away at doing...

Former U.S. Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina leads a list of potential Democratic presidential candidates while Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack holds fourth place, trailing Edwards by 20 points in an early test of support among likely Iowa caucus participants. A new Iowa Poll conducted for The Des Moines Register shows that Edwards, the runner-up in the Iowa Democratic caucuses two years ago and a frequent visitor to the state since then, is the choice of 30 percent of Iowans who say they are likely to take part in the January 2008 caucuses. U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York follows on Edwards' heels with 26 percent in the Iowa Poll.

Well thank God. This is good news. Don't get me wrong, I think Hillary would make an excellent president, she's certainly more intelligent than the last three or four people who occupied the office. But like everyone knows, except for perhaps 26 percent of Iowa caucus voters, she doesn't have a shot in HELL of winning the presidency. Which is a huge shame. Nonetheless, Edwards is a satisfactory candidate in my mind. I liked him better than Kerry in 2004 anyway. The only thing that concerns me about him is his lack of foreign policy experience. Course, what did Bushie havebefore 2000? A couple trips to the Saudi Arabia to kiss some shieks' ass?

-And then we have this little tidbit-

Despite saturation media coverage when it was published a month ago, Mary Cheney's book Now It's My Turn has tanked at bookstores. Published by a conservative imprint of Simon & Schuster, the memoir has sold fewer than 6,000 copies to date, according to Nielsen Bookscan.

The book's sales have declined in each of the four weeks since its release, to only 574 copies sold for the week ending June 3. That's 77% fewer than its first-week sales of 2,445.

At this rate, it will be virtually impossible for Simon & Schuster to recoup the reported $1 million advance it paid Cheney for the book, which describes her life as the gay daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney.

A million bucks for a book by her? What the HELL were they thinking? Bushie and Dick's constituency isn't going to be interested in the book, she's a lesbian! Right Wing Conservative Christian Radical Republicans want them all to go away and disappear, not write books. And the gay community wants nothing to do with a self-loathing, traitorous hypocrite like her. Who exactly, outside of her family and friends, did they think was gonna read about her life? More importantly, who did they think would really care?

POLT = listening to "Do You Miss Me?" by Jocelyn Eriquez

I enjoy Canada. It's like the United States only nobody lives there. - Jon Stewart

1 comment:

Polt said...

Onanite: typical of Republicans. Why should be think a gay one would be any different? After all, you can't choose to be gay, but you can certainly choose your political party.

Brad: I gotta disagree, Hillary is not a dumb bitch at all. She's very intelligent. however, she still won't win the presidency.

I have never liked AL Gore, not when he ran for president in 1988, not when he was VP, and not when he ran in 2000. However, last year sometime, I saw him giving a speech on TV. he was animated, passionate, connecting with the audience. I wish he had been like that in 2000! If he can still be like that i MIGHT be able to support him. We'll have to see.