Saturday, June 03, 2006

Your hair is beautiful, oh tonight....

Last night, I managed to catch one of my favorites movies, Beautiful Thing. I know the fact that its a gay love story between two teenage boys (but NOT pornographic) is gonna turn a lot of people off. I understand not everyone would liek it, but I love it. It's sucha sweet little film. And it's one of the few movies that EVERYtime I see it, I cry. If I'm not crying when the boys start dancing out in public, then when Leah and Sandra join them, the tears are rolling down my cheeks then!

It's sappy, and a little cheesy and somewhat contrived and I don't freakin care. It just get the queer teenboy inside all a'twitter and emotional. Oh like YOU'VE never cried at a movie. Please, girl. It's a guilty pleasure of mine.

And the two cuties from the film, Jamie and Ste. It just such a sweet film.

POLT = listening to "Never Going Back Again" by Fleetwood Mac

I was going to buy a book called 'The Power Of Positive Thinking', but then I thought, "Oh what the hell good would that do?" - Ronnie Shakes

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