Saturday, June 03, 2006

They crash and burn, they fold and fade...

Recently I watched two DVD's: Capote and Crash.

Both were Oscar nominated films. Phillip Seymour Hoffman definately deserved the Oscar. I've thought he was always underrated anyway. I loved him in Boogie Nights, Fabulous, Happiness, The Talented Mr. Ripley, and everything else I've seen him in. And in this movie he WAS Truman Capote. Definately and Oscar worthy performance. I don't think should have been nominated as one of the best of the year though.

Crash was...interesting. It reminded me of a Robert Altman film, and I LOVE Altman films. But it obviously wasnt an Altman film cause everyone, every single character, even the minor ones, were dealing with rasicm, discrimination and prejudice. All at the same time. I'm not trying to say there isn't any racism or anything, I'm know there is. But all the characters came from a myriad of lives and situations and all in the span of two days every single one of them had thier lives entirely taken over by racism. It's a little much. And there's no sublty, they fairly beat you over the head with thier message. And there's no humor. Altman movies all have some element of humor. But the thing I liked about it least was that it's all too coincidental. I mean come is it possible for all these people to keep running into one another? It was all too forced for me.

On the plus side, the scene when the little girl jumps into her father's arms, and he thinks she's shot...the expression on the father's face, and the scream you can see (but not hear) him scream was quite memorable. And it was nice to see Deanna Troi again, although it's a shame she was all wrapped up in that scarf and given so little to do.

I was underimpressed with it. I don't think it was the best of the year. What was the best? I don't know. I still have to see Munich and Goodnight and Good Luck. Maybe one of those two will impress me more. Still, Crash wasn't a bad movie. But like Brokeback Mountain, I don't think it lived up to the hype.

POLT = listening to "Jesus Of Suburbia" by Green Day

I just wanna thank God for thinking me up. - Patricia Heaton

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