Friday, June 09, 2006

Welcome my friends to, the little things...

Ya know, it's the little things that count, right? So here's some little things.

* You can check here and see which Senators voted against the discrimination against gays Constitutional amendment right here. (and a personal thank you to my own senator Arlen Spector for changing his vote. In 2004, he voted FOR the amendment, this time, he voted against it. I will be emailing my thanks to him. And, God willing, in 5 months we'll have two Senators from Pennsylvania who will stand up and support all thier constituents!)

* A judge has ruled the R. Kelly sex tape can be shown to the jurors and media. The girl's attorney say don't want it done saying it will embarrass her. My thought is, the girl was 13 at the time, should we promote viewing kiddie porn in and from our courtrooms?

* Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (i REFUSE to call them Bradgelina) took photos of thier new baby and were selling to rights to Hello and People magazines for $4 million dollars. Is there any photograph, in the history of the world, that's truly worth $4 freakin million dollars?

* I think it's grand that the world at large is getting to see the true face of Anne Coulter. Not so pretty, eh?

* 1,000

* Blogger really bites sometimes! All the troubles we've had the past week, it's just so frustrating.

* I've checked my Clustr maps for visitors, and I see that I still have had no visitors from South Dakota. I've got visitors from every other state, but none from there. What's up with that? I've got visitors from Iceland and New Zealand, but no one from Pierre or Sioux Falls?

* Keith Olbermann is second to none. (well Jon Stewart comes close, but Olbermann actually deals in some real news)

* Does anyone else find it ironic that some of the people who are cheering, celebrating and crowing about the killing of Al-Zakari (sp?) and the people around him, are some of the same people who condemn to hell and would treat as second class citizens two men for loving each other? What would Jesus do, support those that show love, or those that kill others?

* Hmm, it's June 9th...guess that whole 6/6/06 thingee was a bit overrated, eh?

* Monday morning, I got into my car for work, and on my windshield was a condom, tied off at the end, and full. I just kinda stared at it, thinking maybe I wasn't awake and then I laughed for quite some time. I used a napkin to take it off and throw it along the curb, but I can't help but wonder, is this a warning or threat or something?

* Two smiling cute guys...just because.

* I do not like baseball at all, and don't give a shit about any aspect of it. however, I think it's wrong for Barry Bonds to surpass Babe Ruth in the stat books. The Babe was an alcoholic and such, but I don't think any of that enhanced his ability to hit home runs. Bonds being able to do that, and to threaten the other guy with the record (cannot remember his name at the moment) kinda just taints all of baseball, I think.

* The World Cup.....people, people, people, it's JUST a soccer game. Sheesh.

POLT - listening to "Devil's Haircut" by Beck

"Wanna dance?" "I don't dance." "" - Justin, Queer As Folk

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