Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My sink leaks and the rats have won...

So, as I understand it, the US government was tracking money going to and from some terrorists groups. Someone leaked this to some newspapers, who printed it. Now, Bushie and Dicky have thier panties in a knot. Bushie, I think I read, was 'digusted' by this. It's hurt our ability to fight terrorism, and the leaker needs to be ferreted out. Mort Kondrake and Fred Barnes on FauxNews went as far to suggest that the leaker himself, and perhaps even the papers need to be prosecuted legally.

Allllllllllllllllrighty then.

If there's anyone in the this country that has LESS of a right to bitch about leakers, it's Bushie and Dicky. how soon we forget that Bushie himself approved the leak of Valerie Plame's CIA status, and told Dicky to have his chief-of-staff, ole Scooter, leak it, and they all promptly did so.

Does anyone remember several years back when Bushie stood at a podium and said he wants to get to the bottom of who leaked it, and whoever they were, he didn't want them working in the White House.

Oh only were that it were so!

Yes, Morty and Freddy, yes lets prosecute the leakers! but, please, let's prosecute ALL leakers! So while we dig up who leaked this most recent news, I'll expect to read several scathing editorals and columns by you guys demanding the prosecution of the leakers Bushie, Dicky, and Scooter. yeah, I'll not hold my breath on that one.

Also, is there anyone in the whole freakin world who did NOT know we were tracking the money flow of terrorists? I mean, I assume we're tracking the flow of money, the flow of known terrorists, emails, telephone calls, hell, we're probably tracking when each of the big names takes a dump. And if the terrorists didn't KNOW we were doing it, well, hell, I'd hesitate to call them terrorists. Morons would seem more appropriate.

I just LOVE the moral indignation from the White House over non-issues. I suppose it's because they don't know what to do with REAL issues. And instead of showing they don't, they'll just try to manufacture issues, hoping that the AMerican people are stupid enough to buy into them all in November. Hence gay marriage amendment. Hence all the screen time FauxNews gives to the disappearance of attractive young white girls on Carribean islands. Hence the stink FauxNews made over the flag burning amendment. They were SHOCKED, shocked they'll tell ya, to find out it was defeated. Even though, liek the gay marriage amendment, everyone knew it wouldn't come close to passing.

Kinda reminds me of a scene in the WIzard Of Oz, after Toto's moved the curtain and everyone's seen it's just a man. He goes on to make noise and smoke and demand that everyone ignore the man behind the curtain! All these non-issues are just noise and smoke, demanding that everyone ignore the fact this administration is full of corrupt bunglers.

We'll ignore the men behind this curtain at our own peril.

POLT = listening to "Not For You" by Pearl Jam

The only way to deal with a stalker is to cut off his stalk. - Patsy Stone, Absolutely Fabulous

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read in the newspaper this morning that torture is to be used on "suspected" terrorists. That while John MaCain was passing an anti-torture bill, Shrub was signing a bill under the table that ignored MaCain's bill. Isn't this a violation of the Geneva convention? The same rights that we will want nay demand that other countries use if our guys are their prisoners?