Wednesday, June 28, 2006

We're not fighting, you hold onto...

Tonight at 10:00 is the premiere of the Blade TV series. I'm gonna watch the debut episode to see what I think of it. I tuned in a bit early, and saw some more of that UFC fighting thingee.

Oh, man, I do NOT like violence. I hate boxing and "professional" wrestling is simply laughable. But this stuff, I gotta tell ya, I really enjoy it. It's exciting to watch, and nothing's "planned" like in the wrestling. Naturally I like the fighters. The mostly youngish (mid 20's or so) and universally in excellent shape. They get all sweaty, and they roll around on the mat in what can only be described as positions from a gay erotica porno. And they're all attractive, or at least all the ones I've seen. This has got to be the gayest sport around. It's got something both the mahco-ist of straight men and the nelliest gay queen could enjoy.

The only thing that would make it better would be if they faught like the ancient Olympics: naked.

POLT = listening to the grunts and groans of the combatants

We are here and it is now. Further than that, all human knowledge is moonshine. - H.L.Mercken

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