Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Everything's been sold to other's revolutions....

Today, June 28th, is the 37th anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Riots, the beginning of the Gay Rights Movement. Without the brave souls who stood up and said, "We're not gonna take it anymore" to the cops, I wouldn't be able to proclaim here that "I'm Gay." And proud of it.

In thier honor, I've having a beer or two (or so...). ANd I'm also, in thier honor, posting the follow pics:

I read a really good book on the Stonewall Riots called, appropriately enough, Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked The Gay Revolution. It's by David Carter, and quite a good read.

POLT = listening to "Dont' Tell Me To Stop" by Madonna

"She thinks you're a lesbian." "Well, can't I be one of the cool people too?" - Daphne, Queer As Folk


.- said...

I need to get the windex, there's something on my screen and I can't make everything out -- some important parts look like SMEARED BLOBS of pink eraser gunk...

Anonymous said...

I knew the Stonewall riots were bad but is that where they got there penis's cut off? Mercy it looks like they stood too close to a fan blade.

Polt said...

Oh you sillies!

I want to keep the friendly, ya know? Can't be showing X-rated photos now can I? (U-, V-, and W- rated ones SURE!)

If you can't look at hot nearly nekkid pics of hot men and NOT say anything nice, you ought not say anything at all. Didn't yer mamas teach you any better then that? :)