Thursday, June 15, 2006

Burned up like a cookout, so fools better look out...

This evening (a clear, cool, breezy one) I went for a cookout over at my friend's house. It was a Borders employee reunion of sorts. I've included helpful photos to maybe jog your memeories:

There is of course me, Uncle Polt.

There is my sidekick, Ghostie, the Dead Boy Wonder.

There is Mr. David Franceschina.

And Mrs. David Franceschina.

Then two new players in our little games of photos. You've seen them before at thier wedding I attend in March (two months and twenty days ago, or so i was told);


And his wife Kelly (I don't have any nickname for her... strange that, eh?)

(just so you know, BigJoeMix's parents were born in Finland, hence that country's flag for him, and Kelly, well she eats and drinks and breathes and sleep and probably pees The Dave Matthews Band, so that seemed appropriate for her).
We all worked at Borders like 3-4 years ago together. (god, has it really been that long?) and all were pretty close. Now, only Ghostie still works at that store, although BigJoeMix works at another Borders. Anyway, it was great to get with them all again just sit around and bullshit. We got to use Mr. David Franceshina's brand new grill (well HE got to use it, but we reaped the results of it). They even had a fake meat burger for the vegetarian Ghostie (the freak). We drank some beer, were entertained by the Franceschina's little girl Abby, and just had a fun time. Kelly brought some decadent cheesecake/cinnamon-sugar/croissant concoction along that she made. was it good! I know my blood sugar doubled from the piece i ate of it, but it was so damn good I HAD to have another! I myself, feeling obligated to bring something, but having no cooking abilities, brought a PIE! A Wal-Mart pie, mind you, but a PIE nonetheless.
I noticed, though, how the conversation was different. Back when we were at Borders, we were pretty much just bitching about the job. But now, the Franceschina's and BigJoeMix and Kelly are married, so we were talking about houses, heating bills, replacing windows, dealing with neighbors and other various home-owner, grown up kinda things.

I don't like getting older, but dammit, I HATE growing up!
POLT = listening to "The Love Cats" by The Cure
I was like: am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized, I'm just slutty. - Margaret Cho


Rebecca said... little Polt is growing up...


Stop it right now!

Why did you bring PIE, you don't even LIKE pie... ;-)

Polt said...

Oh that I COULD stop it! At 38 yrs old, I think it's a little late to stop it...

Pie? It was Apple pie. Whats wrong with apple pie? :)