Monday, June 19, 2006

Like I could get you into movies....

Thanks for Ghostie, the Dead Boy Wonder, I have now seen the final two Oscar nominated films I had yet to see: Munich and Good Night and Good Luck.

In my opinon, both of them were better than Brokeback Mountain, which I wanted to win, and Crash, which did win. I think I liked Good Night best, because it is SO relevant to today. The message it presented resonates as much now as it did in the early 50's. Not to say Munich wasn't any good, cause it was, quite good. But the only thing that put Good Night over it, in my mind, was how much the movies speaks to the issues of today, the government censorship, the "disagreement = unpatriotic" fervor and mindset that, I hope, the country's finally waking up from.

I think all the movies were deserving of being nominated (with the possible exception of Capote, although Hoffman DEFINATLEY deserved the Oscar for Best Actor), and I believe this is the first time I've seen all the movies nominated in a single year. Hell, I think it's the first time I wanted to see all 5. And I'd highly recommend them all to anyone who is considering seeing them. They're all definately worth seeing!

POLT = listening to "Breathe (2AM)" by Anna Nalick

This wasn't just boy, this was divine! - Anatole, The Salt Point


Anonymous said...

I'd have to agree, all the movies nominated were just great. I think I liked Capote more that you, but my favorite is still Brokeback Mountain.


Mags said...

How funny - I *just* saw GNGL this weekend, and have Munich in my posession for viewing tonight. Thank Jah for Netflix!

Polt said...

So, Mags, which did you like better, GNGL or Munich? And which of the 5 Oscar nominated movies did you like best?