Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Save what's left for the deaf....

I know it's been awhile (yes, even Uncle Polt gets busy with other things) but now we return to :
Tone Deaf Tuesdays!

This week, I'm taking us back to 1995, the spring. A new gay bar opened in a neighboring town, called Headquarters. I wanted to go, and I talked my straight friend Amy into going along. (No, this is not the same Amie that made me my Pride necklace) As we were driving there, this new song came on the radio that I loved, and that she had never heard before. We turned it up and attempted to sing along. It was "Come Out And Play" by the Offspring.

Ever since, whenever I hear this song, I think of us, driving to Headquarters (I can even picture right now the exact stretch of road where we heard it and laughed along). And we had a fun time that night. One of many fun nights she and i had together, and the first of many fun nights i had at Headquarters!

POLT - listening to "Roll It Up" by The Crystal Method

"Excited?" "My pecker's all atwitter." - Brian, Queer As Folk


Rebecca said...

*giggle* Uncle Polt, tell us another story? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE?!?!

Polt said...

I don't know, Becca, after reading YOUR story, I think I want to hear another one from YOU!

Rebecca said...

LOL...more stories? For you dear? ANYTHING!