Thursday, June 01, 2006

I feel the need to be naked with you (part XI)...

It's that time once again....

yes 'tis true....

(click on the HNT button over on the sidebar on the left for more info)

This week, we'll continue, kinda, with a theme I dealt with last week: Last year Capitol Pride celebration in DC. Last week, I showed you the necklace Amie made that I was to wear to the celebration. This week, I have an actual photo for last year's Pride. But first, some background.

At Capitol Pride, they have the Parade (which is my FAVORITEST parade in the whole wide world) Saturday evening, about 5:00. Then Sunday, at about noon,they have the street Festival. They shut down a few blocks of Pennsylvania avenue between The White House and the Capitol Building and they set up tents and have all kinds of booths and a stage and stuff. I enjoy this as well, cause there's normally a TON of hot guys roaming around. Bad part is, Pennsylvania Avenue is a WIDE street, and there's no shade.

Well, last year, I spent probably close to 2 hours, from noon to 2:00pm, roaming up and down the festival with my disposible cameras, taking photos of cute guys I ran into (well, not LITERALLY ran into...well, not ALL of them anyway). I had prepared myself with suntan lotion on my forehead, nose and cheeks, which usually get sunburnt. Forgot all about my arms and worse, the back of my neck. Oh, I was truly painridden redneck for a few days. At any rate, here is a photo of the wrist, the pale, un-painful part is where my watch was.

If we go to the street festival this year, I'll KNOW to be better prepared. Course, with all those sexy men wandering about, just cause I know to apply lotion doesn't mean I'll think of it.

POLT = listening to "Talk Show Host" by Radiohead

Beauty's only skin deep, but ugliness goes much deeper. - Brian Campbell, Nosferatu Clanbook


Leesa said...

A lot of sunburns this week! HHNT :)

Rebecca said...

I have some lotion :) Yes I know that's a photo from the last parade...

I'm just sayin... ;-)


BKS said...

lol and I thought my farmers tan was bad...HHNT to you


S said...

Woo hoo sexy watch tan! LOL HHNT

Philip said...

I had the same thing on my HNT a few weeks ago. Watchburn sucks.

Happy HNT

Philip said...

I had the same thing on my HNT a few weeks ago. Watchburn sucks.

Happy HNT

AndyT13 said...

UhOH! HHNT burst one!

James Skala said...

Nice HNT!

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate it!

Polt said...

Crimson:Mine was from last year, and I hope I don't get a new one next week!

Brad: burn and peel, burn and peel, that's all I EVER do.

Becca: thank you for your offer. We'll see if get a burn THIS year...might take you up on it...

BKS: Farmers tans are MUCH preferable to watch sunBURNS!

Mistress: sexy BURN, not tan. :)

Phillip: well it wasn't so much the wrist area that was the problem, my NECK hurt a lot worse.

James: no problem. I might do so again. :)

Locutus: yeah, used quite a bit of aloe...I'm gonna try not to get another one this year, though.