Thursday, June 08, 2006

Post # 997 (HNT part XII)...

It's that time once again, kiddies, yes, it's:

This past week, I took my camera to work. This is my computer at work, with the Palace on the screen, and a thumbs up, cause God knows I LOVE my job!

Anyone smell that? that's called sarcasm. And yes, that is a Marvin the Martian and Spongebob Squarepants in front of the monitor. Oh, and that's a photo our second dog, Cookie that as well. And maybe you can see the layer of dust that covers most things as well, I don't know.

HAPPY HNT everyone!

POLT = listening to "Mickey" by Toni Basil

Ohmigod, the dead have risen and they're voting Republican! - The Simpsons


Anonymous said...

Looks like the desk of a real hard worker. Smell that more sarcasm. Nice thumb, I have thumb envy, mine is so straight and stubby those tht are long and curved make me drool!

.- said...

something moved
i SWEAR something in the upper left moved while i was that a doorway by that calendar?
maybe my contact just fell

MG said...

too cool.
I love just sitting and starting at what other people have int their workspace... love the bow on the top of the monitor.

AndyT13 said...

I have sailboat crap all over my area. I guess I should do a work based HNT! Thanks for the notion (and the comment)! HHNT!

Schadeboy said...

Yeah, I'm pretty much that way with my job, too.

Can't wait until I become a full-time writer and get paid millions of dollars. I hope that happens soon.

Tomorrow would be nice.


Rebecca said...

Sarcasm suits you... :D

Thumbs up!


James Skala said...

Very nice HNT!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you need a window buddy!


Polt said...

Ed: very good grasp of sarcasm, my friend!

Velma: I'm certain all sorts of things are crawling aroudn in there.

MG: yeah, and I have no idea why the bow is there...

Andy: if your thing is sailboats, then keep your sailboat stuff aroudn it, I say!

Schadeboy: yesterday would be better than tomorrow to get rich, eh?

Becca: Sarcasm? Fits ME? NAHHHH! :)

James: Thank you.

Onanite: Not me, my office is smack dab in the middle of the building. I'm a good twenty feet or so from an outside wall. I did ask for a skylight, since there's nothing above my office, and yeah, they laughed too.