Monday, June 26, 2006

One humid Texas night...

The weather has been affecting me lately. Yesterday, all day, it rained. Off and on, and to varying degrees, but pretty much all day it rained. Paper said we got 5.75 inches of rain in 24 hours, so you can see it rained a lot. Even thundered at times. I spent the whole day inside. It was a good day to do that. Kind of a wasted day, but what else was there to do really?

And then today, oh my LORD the humidity is so high! Thankfully it's not real hot, like low 80's I think, but MAN the humidity makes it feel like a sauna. Everything is heavy with it. I had to wipe the moisture off the screen before i could type. Ihate humidity like this. I hate this more than the heat, generally. It's just so uncomforable. I don't know how people did it before a/c. I don't have mine on, that's why it's so bad here, but how did they do it in the South, where it was hot and humid for longer periods of time. It just sounds so dreary to be in this kinda weather all summer long and have no relief. Ugh.

POLT - listening to "Block Rockin Beats" by The Chemical Brothers

Life's a bitch. Now so am I. - Catwoman, Batman Returns

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