Friday, March 07, 2008

As I witness the birth of a new beginning, I sense it breathing...

Okay, well I'm been a bit ambiguous about a certain person I met recently. Didn't want to jinx anything. Well, he just left, and I think I can safely say, I don't need to worry about the jinx anymore. So, what do you want to know?

Let's see, his name is Don. He's a bit taller than me (I'm 6'1"). He's a sexy black man (this is NOT the same black man the last few 55 Fiction Fridays have been about). He's a year younger than me. He's ex-military, so even though he's a bit older, he's still got all the right muscles in all the right places. he's got deep brown eyes, an infectious smile, and large strong hands. he's a big man, that I don't have to worry about breaking, nor crushing if I'm laying on top of him. And he's got a high, muscular, rounded man ass that goes on for DAYS! (the photo is of neither Don, nor his ass. But is is a reasonable facsmilie for both)

He is an award-winning kisser (if they gave awards for such things). He wears the most intoxicating cologne. His voice is deep, luxurious, velvety. He's a singer, in gospel, blues, some jazz. ha paints. He speaks a little German, and smidge Turkish, from where he was stationed during his military days. He's been playing role playing games (Dungeons & Dragons, Champions, etc) for years. He collects some comic books, although nowhere near as many as me. He's not big on camping at all. He loves to cook. He's been to Toronto, and liked it. He's a Democrat, supporting Obama, and has similiar opinions on religion as mine (yeah, ain't it crazy, our second night together and we spend part of it cuddling under the bedsheets, dicussing religion and politics between our kisses and...other things). Without being too graphic, the sex is outSTANDing. But the conversation is so great too.

We've both decided there's a bond between us. What kind, how strong, who knows? But I know I like the guy. A LOT. Hence my twitterpation.

And those of you who know me, know that I do NOT fall in...well, whatever this is, quickly or easily. Even with Freddie, it tooks a few months. With Don, it's taken two visits.There are a few complications, some baggage. But nothing insurmountable. With time, if we're together for a time, we'll work it all out.

And I WANT to have that time, I WANT it to work out.

POLT Listening to "Love Like This" by Natasha Bedingfeld

"Um, your eyes are really nice." "Thanks. But my eyes are up here." - Roxy, Getting It


Anonymous said...

Awww Polt, I'm happy for you! If he looks similar to the pic you've definitely hooked yourself a hot number.

And remember, once you go black.....

I should know, 15 years later and all.

Unknown said...

You sound so happy and that is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm confused...????

"he's a year younger than me"
"so even though he's a bit older..."

???...what did I miss?

Sounds good though.
I hope you don't follow in all of my footsteps. That wouldn't be a good idea in the long run since currently 'I've fallen and I can't get up'.

Furry Godfather.

m_o_o_nspells said...

YAYAYAY!!! He sounds absolutely delightful Polt and I hope there are many more visits to come...and to cum! ;o)

Michelle said...

Good for you!! I hope everything works out for you both :) He sounds great!! hehe

Anonymous said...

Polt has a boyfriend, Polt has a boyfriend!



Anonymous said...

I knew at date #2 that hubby was the man I was going to marry!!!

Good For You!!

tornwordo said...

Yay! Enjoy the roller coaster.