Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Was 5 years gone, by the time....

It's the 5th Anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq.

Bushie gave a speech saying how great everything is going in Iraq, and how everything there is just peachy and wonderful. It's so ludicrious, I'm not even going to talk about it any further.

Darth Cheney gives an interview with ABC news. He stated, paraphrasing, that a majority of Americans support the war. The interviewer corrected him by saying two-thirds of Americans do not support the Iraq war. His response? "So?" In other words, who the hell cares what the majority of Americans think? He surely doesn't.

And on this, the 5th Anniversary of such a great, wonderful, successful venture, where are the conservative talking heads? What are the people that vehemently pushed for the start of this war, how are THEY celebrating the anniversary?

Rush Limbaugh's big story is that he's going to start a daily feature on Obama's preacher. Bill O'Reilly spends a segment of his show talking about old footage of Spitzer's prostitute partying...with the footage of the barely-clad young woman playing over and over.

Why is there not celebration's from them or thier ilk? Their silence on the subject speaks volumes, eh?

Its just shameful.

POLT Listening to "I Got This Feeling" by Baby Bumps

Life contains but two tragedies: one is not to get your heart's desire; the other is to get it. - Socrates

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shrub and dick couldn't care less about what the American people want.
Shame on them.
