Monday, March 10, 2008

Your phone call took me by surprise, gee...

First off, I've been attempting to post Monday's Hot Shirtless Guys since 9:00 this morning, and Blogger just keeps choking on all the photos. So, once Blogger gets it's shit straight, I'll be posting that, whatever day they might get things back in order.

Secondly, Don called me today. It was a short call, perhaps 10 minutes. After our hellos, I asked how he was doing. His response: I'm doing well. I'm just calling because we haven't talked in a few days and I miss your voice.


Tell me how I'm NOT supposed to melt at something like that? And guess who's been walking on air ever since?

*SIGH*....I got it bad.....

(PS, this photo is again from the Internet and not of Don, but the smile just seemed to echo what I was feeling, so I used it)

POLT Listening to "In My Arms" by Plumb Oil: 108.03 (+3.32); Gas: 3.17 (+.01)

Gentlemen, welcome aboard Voyager. Mister Kim, at ease before you sprain something. - Captain Janeway, Star Trek: Voyager


Anonymous said...

Polt, your Palace has been MEME tagged!

Anonymous said...

But fortunately, the photo of the hot guy on the phone came through! Thanks.

Sexy Duet said...

Awww, thats so sweet :)