Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'll do anything i have to, whatever it takes, whatever it takes...

The Clintons, both Hillary and Bill, are slowly but surely making me feel very jaded towards her. Just today, she brought up the Rev. Wright issue, or rather, to be more fair, the issue was brought up to her during an interview. And she answered in a manner beneath her.

She did this at the same time that it's come out that she fabricated a whole bunch of details of her arrival in Bosnia some dozens years or so ago. She lied. She was exaggerating her record to make her appear more presidential. So, yeah, she lied. Her response? "Oh I made a mistake, I'm human."

That's it? Obama's pastor says controversial things, Obama repudiates them, and that's not good enough. But Clinton outright lies about her record, and oh well, a shrug and saying she's human is okay? How is that?

And Bill today in a speech said something about the "other campaign" wanting to disenfrancies the voters of Michigan and Florida because Hillary will probably win there. HUH? the Democratic Party, before ANY vote was cast, said if Michigan and Florida had thier primaries that early, they would not count. And ALL the candidates, Hillary included, agreed to that. Now, though, it's supposed to be Obama's fault, when all he's doing is following the rules set up before the contest began. the Clintons are the ones who want to change the rules after things don't go thier way!

I understand and respect Hillary's tenacity, and feriousness in campaigning. But really, I want to see her doing against the opposition. Doing this against Obama is like attacking your cousin or something. It's just wrong.

And if she's this willing to have a scorched earth policy, to have a policy of throwing the entire kitchen, not just the sink, against a fellow Democrat, to put her personal asperations ahead of the entire PARTY, to risk handing the November election to the Republicans if she can't have it, all that is making seriously reconsider if I could support her in the fall.

Don't get me wrong, as of now, I will still be supporting and voting for the Democrat in November, whichever one it is.

But we've still got like 4 weeks until the PA primary, and I'm telling everyone right now, if she keeps this shit up, and if she keeps going as negative as she has recently, and if Hillary somehow finagles the Democratic nomination, I believe it's possible this might be the first year, since I've been able to vote, that I will not be casting any vote for President.

And that saddens me, that I could even be considering doing such a thing. Saddens me much more than anyone can know. And I have Hillary's doorstep to lay this on. She really SERIOUSLY needs to re-evaulate her win-at-any-cost campaign plan.

POLT Listening to "Vera" by Pink Floyd

Dox, the next time one of your computers comes to life with the power to destory reality...just tell the bitch you love her! - Tigorr, Omega Men #5


Anonymous said...

It still amazes me that all the news people keep saying that Capitol Hillary won Michigan and Florida. They even give the statistics of the illegal primaries. What they don't seem to understand is that THEY DON'T FRICKIN COUNT SO SHE DIDN'T FRICKIN WIN ANYTHING!!!! NO DELEGATES FROM EITHER MICHIGAN OR FLORIDA.

There should be no waste of time or money trying to figure out some way to make Michigan and Florida delegates count. These two states governments (the dems in Michigan and the GOP in Florida) SCREWED UP! They knew what the consequences would be and they did it anyway.

Should Capitol Hillary win the democratic nomination the only way I will vote for her is if she has already started divorce proceeding against Mr. Bill. If she has not then I will either be voting for Mr. Nader or writing in Mr. Obamarama.

Furry Godfather.

Blissfully Wed said...

I don't see her winning the nomination, but I'll be voting for the leading opposition to "McCaint" no matter who it is.