Tuesday, March 25, 2008

When we had a chest cold, how to stay proud...

Got an email from Don today. Apparently, he was sick with the flu all weekend as well. So, now we just need to figure out who gave it to whom Thursday night. He said he was feeling better Sunday. I was still feeling sickly today.

The place I work gives us Good Friday off. I have to work the Saturday after Good Friday, so I normally work Good Friday as well and then just take the holiday later. And that's what I did last week. But since I wasn't feel well this morning, I just took my Good Friday today and rested some more. Took pills, watched some TV, read some, slept some, drank orange juice. I'm feeling better tonight, although there's still a lot of phlegm I'm moving around in my chest. And my head's congested as well. but that's loads better than the fever and chills and aches i had over the weekend. And I've taking cold pills since Saturday and am now taking Mucinex as well. That'll kick it right outta my chest.

I'm pretty worn out and beat, even though I haven't really done ANYTHING since Saturday, and I haven't left the house but twice since Satruday afternoon. Well, whatever, I guess that's what I needed to get over this crap.

I'm just gonna say I picked it up at work and infected Don, not that he infected me. Then i can only get mad at myself and not him.

POLT Listening to some part of Swan Lake

And Black Canary said a buzzsaw arrow would be self-indulgent. - Green Arrow, Justice League Umlimited

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel bad or ya Polt. You and Don. Being sick sucks, at least I seem to remember it that way.

For you see I don't get the flu. I haven't had it but once in the last 15 years.

I'm probably a CCR5 Delta 32 mutant which would explain it.

No instead I get sinus infection, ear infections, just general fun!

Hope you guys feel better soon.