Tuesday, March 18, 2008

An utterance, information, I don't mind (Part 88)...

TMI Tuesday
These come from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/.

Seeing as how I took an extended nap this afternoon, and am not a BIT tired this evening (or morning now), I thought I'd just to this now, instead of later on.

1. In the midst of a hangover have you ever promised to "never drink again?" How long until you broke that vow? Oh the first time I ever got THAT drunk, in Ocean City MD, right before I graduated high school. A stadium cup full of vodka, a stadium cup full of sloe gin, and I have no idea how many beers, and the next morning, I couldn't get up out of my red colored (thanks sloe gin) puked filled bed, but to crawl to the toilet to throw up. And I vividly recall, me head leaning on the coolness moist dampness of the toilet rim and promsing myself, if I lived through this, I would never EVER drink again. And I remember saying it a few times after that...in college. But after the first time, it was several months before I could drink any alcohol again without gagging.
2. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done while drinking (or not if it is really stupid) but thought it seemed like a good idea at the time? Coming home after a night of partying, puking in, on, and around the toilet, and figuring I'd just clean it up later. I was still living at home. Mom was none too please when she got up about 4:00 to use the bathroom. And i was none to happy to be cleaning it up at 4:10 am, while I gagged, hungover, and she yelled at me.
3. On a scale of 1-10, where do you rate green beer? I honest to God don't recall ever having HAD green beer. Seriously. but it sounds gross.
4. Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn't have (drunk or sober)? Yeah, absolutely. My good girl friend's boyfriend (THAT one blew up in my face later). My boss's girlfriend (thank GOD that did NOT blow up into anything later). My good gay friend's boyfriend (that just led to a few real hot blow jobs later....I should feel bad about it, but I have no shame). And sadly, I was sober at each time. I don't even have alcohol to blame them all on.
5. What is the stupidest thing you have ever seen a drunk do (besides driving a car)? One guy at a party, stuck his dick inside a bottle of some kinda alcohol, on a dare, to see if it would fit. And it did, sorta. But it got stuck. And then, when he pulled on it, it started to get hard, and got even more stuck. And painful. They had to take him to the hospital. *SIGH*....college days, good times, good times.
Bonus (as in optional): How do you cure your hangover(s)? The best cure is to stop drinking before you get one. Seriously. If I think I'm gonna have one, I take two Advil and drink two glasses of water before I go to bed. If I wake up with one, it's probably 4 Advil and constant drinking of water. If I'm not vomiting. If that's the case, I just lay next to the toilet until I realize just how disgusting that is. By then, the hangover's usually subsided a bit.

POLT Listening to "Living Dead Girl" by Rob Zombie

George W. Bush is the weakest, most out of touch president in modern time. Think Dan Quayle in cowboy boots. - Vic Gold, GOP consultant and author


Ashly Star said...

Oooh you're listening to Rob Zombie. <3 Anyway...

I feel kind of bad for your #2 because man that had to suck something horrible. It's damn funny though, lol. =)

#5... I know someone who did that too actually but it turned out a little worse. That has to suck so bad. I can't even imagine, lol. Silly drunks.

Great answers. Happy TMI Tuesday! =o)

- said...

I am still sooo laughing about your #5.

good times, good times ; ) lol

Happy TMI

Sexy Duet said...

I would probably have had the same reaction as your mum, I guess I might find out in a few more years when my daughter is old enough to drink.

I had to laugh at #5, bet he didnt live that down for a while.

Happy TMI


Anonymous said...

I don't get hangovers. The trick is to stay drunk for as long as you can.

Seriously though, most of what we call a hangover is brought on by serious dehydration since alcohol is a diuretic to begin with. Ever notice how much more you have to urinate when drinking? That's why.

So before retiring, two Excedrins and lots of water. You should wake up just fine.

Anonymous said...

One time I had a party at my place...... lots of fun. The party progressed to another's home. When I got back in the morning I climbed into bed to find that someone had vomited in it, so I went to the second bedroom, the bed was made, I got in to find that the same person had vomited in that bed too, I was furious.

I called to woman up and made her come over and do the laundry.


Hoochie Mama said...

OK, I was thinking #2 was pretty funny until I read #5! LMAO!!!

Happy TMI!