Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Going to town, as long as I got a choice, i can't...

So, McCain wins the Republican nomination, gets an endorsement from Huckabee, and goes to the White House tomorrow to get Bushie's endorsement.

Is that such a good thing? I mean, I know that Bushie's still the head of the party, but will being seen with Bushie really help McCain? I mean, there's only like three places in the country where Bushie isn't under 50% approval, one is the Oval Office, one is the Crawford Ranch in Texas and the other is Utah. Is there anywhere else that Bush helps and doesn't hurt McCain?

Bill Clinton's, who's approval ratings in 2000 were nowhere NEAR as low as Bushie's are now, was virtually invisible in Gore's campaign. Course, we all know how Gore's campaign turned out.

POLT Listening to the primary election returns

Wake up, America. They don't hate us for our freedom. They hate us because, as a nation, we're acting like assholes. - TRex, July 8, 2007


BirdMadGirl said...

I don't want any of the choices for president. Blah.

Scooter said...

McCain is Bush 2.0!