Monday, March 10, 2008

Tag you're it, kick the can...

Got tagged by the lovely Ray Aquino. I've been tagged with this same meme at least twice before, but hey, I'm not one to disappoint someone who wants to tag me (snicker, double entendres can be fun), especially when they're as cute as Ray. Anyway, the rules:

According to the rules of this tag:
1.Link to the person who tagged you.
2.Post the rules on your blog.
3.Share six non important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4.Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5.Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Okay, let's see...#1, check! #2, check-a-roonie. #3, I'm not sure there's anything about me that I HAVEN'T shared on here already, but we'll see what I can do. #4, yeah, I don't really do the tagging too much. So if anyone wants to use this on their blog, consider yourself tagged by me! #5, um, well, we'll just pretend I've done that already. Onto the meme...

1) I have worn makeup one time: when a group of us went to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show live. I was a dressed in black. But the people I went with didn't think it was enough. So the girls put black fingernail polish on me, white pancake makeup all over my face, mascara, black eye shadow, and black lipstick. i thought I looked silly...until we got to the theater and I saw everyone else
2) I much prefer Vanilla to chocolate when there's a choice, like in ice cream, pudding, cakes, icing, etc.
3) Whenever I play Monopoly I HAVE to be either the racecar or the battleship. I will not play with any other game piece.
4) I worry all the time that my breath stinks and no one will tell me. That's why I used to incessently chew Pepp-o-mint Life Savers, and why I now chew a lot of gum.
5) I am ashamed at the messiness of my apartment ...but I don't care enough about it to clean it.
6) The first DVD I owned was Hedwig And The Angry Inch given to me by My Fairy Godfather Mark, when he also sent me my first DVD player for Christmas one year.

Well, there, that wasn't so difficult. Who knew my life was filled with such randomness?

POLT Listening to "Again" by Kim Leoni

I think this is what gives gay men and lesbians an uncommon strength: at some point, you have to decide to become yourself. - Austin Bunn


Sexy Duet said...

With icecream, I too prefer vanilla if it is going with something, like apple pie, but if it is just icecream on its own then it is definitely chocolate.

I dont like vanilla sponge so cake or muffins are always chocolate.


Anonymous said...

The Monopoly piece brought back a memory. My brother put the dog in his nose ONE TIME and nobody would use it from then on. Crazy kids...