Saturday, March 15, 2008

The ides of March, the wind of May...

Beware the Ides of March!

If your name is Julius, today might have been a good day to stay inside. Just sayin...

POLT Listening to "Flounders Mashups" on DC101 Online

Stop it! your nipple is tickling me! - Freddie


Stephen R. said...


Caesar: "The Ides of March are come."

Soothsayer: "Aye, Caesar, but not gone."

The stars are stacked against you, girl. Get back in bed!

Anonymous said...

And in just five days it's the Vernal Equinox otherwise known as the first day of Spring.

BTW, the equinox part? That means 12 hours daylight, 12 hours darkness. From here on out to July the balance tips in favor of more light. Then in July it starts tipping back. By October the darkness rules again.