Monday, March 03, 2008

I don't endorse that, i didn't want this...

1) Hurricane Katrina was God's retribution for the gays.
2) The Catholic Church is the "Great Whore".
3) John McCain should be president.

All three statements were made by Radical Right, Conservative Christian, wingnut televangelist Rev. John Hagee. He also said that we need to bomb Iran so we can keep Isreal united, thus allowing us to convert all the Jews to Christians so the Apocolypse can happen. Or some such similar perversion of Revelations that Hagee spouts to his sheep on Sundays.

Hagee has endorsed McCain. McCain has not repudiated the endorsement. I wonder, will the media now grill McCain over that endorsement like they grilled Obama over the Farrakhan endorsement? Or is it okay to have a lunatic fringe member from the Right endorse you while it's not okay to have a lunatic fringe member from the Left endorse you?

POLT Listening to "Flounders Mashups" on DC101 Online

Oh, he's very popular Ed. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude. - Grace, Ferris Bueller's Day Off


S said...

You know what they say:

If you want pain
Go with McCain

Hows it going Polty poo?

Anonymous said...

The lunatic fringe member from the right endorsed the lunatic fringe member who wants to keep us in Iraq for another 100 years...who would also be from the right...right?? Doesn't that follow?

Furry Godfather.

Anonymous said...

Lunatic fringe from the right is okay, but from the left is not correct.