Monday, March 24, 2008

Change that city limit sign to 'population 4000 minus 1'...


4000 Americans dead in Iraq. And that doesn't even touch all those wounded, losing limbs, other physical wounds, mental wounds from what they had to endure there.

How many more have to die in Iraq for George Bush's folly?

And just today, Vice-President Darth Cheney says that, paraphrasing, yes American families have sacrified, but let's not forget, the President has the largest burden because he has to decide to commit the troops.


Bushie has the greatest burden? A burden greater than a mother who lost a son, a father who lost a daughter, a child who no longer has a mommy or daddy? A burden greater than families who had to do without a mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, son, daughter at thier table this Easter?

How DARE he.

And let's remember one other thing: John McCain has said that we need to remain in Iraq for 100 years, we'll do so, Clinton and Obama have both said they'll withdrawl the troops as soon as they can. Remember that when you go to vote in November. Before you cast your vote, think of those soliders in the quagmire of Iraq, and thier families here at home, and then remember who wants to keep them there, in harms way, and who wants to bring them home.

POLT Listening to nothing Oil: 100.10 (-1.34); Gas: 3.24 (-.01)

"That's Circle! Watch out! She-" "Yeah, I know. I read the Odyssey." - Batman, Justice League Unlimited

1 comment:

Bunny said...

Damn right.