Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Don't cry for me, Argentina....

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. I only got a few things to say.

1) The affair is between him, his wife and presumably whomever the other woman is. Let's leave that part alone and let them work through this, if possible.

2) Once more, it a Republican scold hoist on his own pitard. Let's see what else we have:

  • Newt, promoting family values while leaving his wife for his mistress while the wife was in the hospital.
  • Larry Craig, promoting family values, while picking up men in airport restrooms.
  • John Ensign, decrying gay marriage to keep 'traditional marriage' safe while having an affair with a campain staffer.
  • Boss Limbaugh floggin the 'traditional marriage' while being married three times himself.
  • William Bennett speaking out against vice and immorality while being high stakes gambler.
  • Mark Foley, promoting family values, while seducing Congressional pages.
And now this. Mind you, these things wouldn't matter to me at all if the guys doing this stuff we're telling ME how evil I am because I like to be with men and not women. Living in glass house and juggling rocks comes to mind. As does the old chestnut, "Do as I say, not as I do."

Buncha hypocrites. They need to either shut up about the 'family values' crap, or live more moral lives. Take your choice.

3) The man needs to resign. NOT because of an affair (although he did have one) and not because he's a hypocrit (which he is), but he needs to resign because he left his state for five days, with no one knowing where he was, while his state is in great economic distress. And in addition, he used a state funded vehicle to get to the airport and took at least three taxpayer funded trips to Argentina in the last year.

And maybe, all the other Republican scolds out there will learn to, as I said, either shut up about the moral things or actually BE more moral.

POLT Listening to "Check Your Head" by Buckcherry

"Why couldn't you have been a gay man?" "Some still suspect I am." - Tina, Relax...It's Just Sex


Mark said...

Polt: I've often wondered why conservative republicans seem to have the most liberal dicks in the world.

Anonymous said...

So true. Time to put up or shut up.
