Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett passed away this morning at the age of 62.

And yes, as a lil Polt, even *I*had her poster on my wall.

In fact, I had it on the wall well into the mid-80's. I just loved it, for some reason. Obviously not the same reason most teenaged boys did. Perhaps is was her hair? That might have played into my nascent and as yet unreconized preference for hairthings.

At any rate, I loved Charlie's Angels, and she was a big part of it. I can't say I'll miss her acting, cause I doubt I've seen anything she's done in the last 25 years or more. But I'm sorry to see her suffer and die and such a young age.



Tam said...

I had that same poster. It's a shame.

tornwordo said...

It adorned my wall too. We should have saved them, they're probably worth a bundle now.