Tuesday, June 09, 2009

If perchance a newt slimed by, i'd stuff it in my sack...

Newt Gingrich told us last night at a Republican fundraiser that after 4.5 months in office, Obama's economic plan (which Obama himself has said will take several years) is a failure...in his words.

And today, we find out that the economic plan is such a failure that 10 of the banks we've loaned money to in the bailout are ready to pay us back. To the tune of roughly $68 billion dollars. Including roughly $1.8 billion dollars in interest.

Yes, Obama's economic plans are so bad and such a failure that the government's now recouping some of the money they lent out...and at a profit!

Let's just hope that this type of economic 'failure' continues for quite some time.

POLT Listening to "Will You Love Me Tomorrow?" by Carole King

For a teenager, being queer was largely defined by frustrations and failure: of beautiful friends longed for but could not openly approach; of longing for someone to do the approaching, and dreading that someone might actually do just that. - Paul Reidinger, The City Kid


Ray Avito said...

I was a bit stunned by the harshness of the speeches that I've seen from that fundraiser, but then I read something where he also said something about needing everybody's help to get some Republicans in office to stem the tide. Oh, yeah, just trying to get the troops up in arms for another revolution circa 1994...then I was less stunned and more *eye-rolly*...

Anonymous said...

The thing is old Newt doesn't realize he just looks like a fool.

It's funny, I caught the news of the TARP replacement on the big scrolling banner on the Hilton hotel here in Providence. I had to do a double-take.