Friday, June 12, 2009

Keep your numbers mounting (Part 52)....

55 Fiction Fridays

(concluding last week's popular demand)

After leaving the city,
Curtis went to a small town in upstate New York.
He returned to his first love: painting.
He painted all the time, but
Soon his funds were running low.
He took a job at a local day care.
Now he paints with people that find it as fun as he does.

POLT Listening to "3AM Eternal" by The KLF

I gave you the best....minutes of my life! - Emmett, Queer As Folk


Tam said...

What a GREAT story. I love it. You are really pulling out some great ones lately. Keep it up.

Alice Audrey said...

I love it! Brings me back to my children's childhood.

G-Man said...

And a lot less critical I bet!

Polty, you are such a hoot...

Thanks for giving G-Daddy a big grin every Friday. ( Most Fridays anyway )

Excellent job son, Have a Wonderful Week-End...Galen

Mona said...

awwww, that is such a cute bunch of painters...

Polt I am attending a gay friends' wedding anniversary celebration tomorrow :)

john said...

KLF is gonna ROCK you! Are you ready?

Ancients of MuMu...Here we go.

Polt you have excellent taste in music my friend.

Once again, a great story. You have a knack for these.

Michelle M. said...

Good for Curtis!

*he might want to look into painting smocks for the kiddies.