Sunday, June 14, 2009

That's why you are my pride and joy...

So, Gay Pride in DC last night. Yeah. I have a whole HORDE of photos to go through before I can post them here. I'll post them in a post all their own. But in the meantime, he's the write-up.

Firstly, Corey couldn't go. His girlfriend's birthday is the 15th (tomorrow) and last night, her parents were taking her, and Corey, out to eat for it. So he couldn't go. Although he did seem rather upset about it when he called to tell me. And when we talked he mentioned something about the big Comic Convention in Chicago in August, and wanted to know if I wanted to go. Spending a few days (and nights) in Chicago with Corey? Do I want to go? Is this a trick question? So we'll have to see what comes up on that.

Anyway, I had Laura and I leaving at 3:30 with the Parade commencing at 6:30. Sounds like plenty of time, right? Well, not when you factor in a meal at Olive Garden in Frederick, and then track repairs on the Metro line which meant longer delays than normal. Had I planned for us to leave at 3:00, wouldn'ta been a problem. As it was, I was panicing.

I knew we wouldn't be able to get the usual place we stand cause there would already be people taking up that spot by the time we got there. And I knew we couldn't use the further south, much shorter escalator at DuPont Circle, cause we'd not have enough time to get through the crowds. So we took the much steeper and longer escalator at the north exit (which I HATE due to my fear of heights) but we had no problems getting up and out, and I didn't freak out.

And then I just walked us straight (pardon the pun) along Q Street (seriously) until we hit New Hampshire, which is the street we normally stand on anyway. And right there, at the intersection, at the crosswalk is where we stood.

There was a lesbian couple from Dallas standing with us, they had their three nieces and nephew with them. The nephew was Joe-Joe, and he was about 18, tall, lean, cute and shirtless. I got several photos of him, and kinda bonded with the whole group. We had a great time talking to each other during the breaks. After the Parade was over, I told the one lesbian to have a safe trip back to Dallas, she wished me a happy pride, and we hugged. In turn I hugged all three nieces. And then turned to Joe-Joe. His arms were already out for a hug, and we did. And I lifted him up off the ground with the hug, which is when he threw his legs around my waist to the laughter of his relatives. Unfortunately, no one took a photo of that. But that was nearly the highlight of the entire trip.

I reset the camera to take a video again of the Dancing Cowboys, but something happened and I didnt get the video. I got nothing of the Dancing Cowboys. And afterwards, the camera was set on some different setting and most pictures came out blurry after that, which kinda pisses me off, but whacha gonna do? I might have to look at some of the ones Laura took and steal some of them.

The parade was long, it was like 8;30 when it ended, and was getting dark. There were a LOT of new groups in the parade though. A marching band of NYC was in it. A gay soccer club from London (yes, in ENGLAND) was in it. Some group from Seattle was in it too, among others. That probably accounted for the longer than usual time. Normally, only local groups were in it.

Afterwards, on the drive home Laura and i got stuck in traffic on 270 for about a half hour. They were doing some construction on the road and had only one lane open. That accounted for the delay. But we never really stopped, just went really slow, and we had my iPod to listen to, and each other to talk to, so everything was cool.

We decided to get something to eat in Frederick, even though it was 11:00 at night (we hadn't eaten since like 4:00) so we stopped at a Waffle House (don't judge us) on a lark. And we had breakfast. Then we made a safe trip home.

All in all, despite timing issues, and camera issues, and the traffic jam, we had a great time. Oh, and we each got some beads, Laura got a t-shirt thrown at her (it reads, "My girlfriend loves your apartment", although I don't know what it's from) and a bag of peanuts, and I got a lollipop thrown at me (which I gave to a little girl sitting on her dad's shoulder) and a rather cute bear type in a suit walked over and handed me a orange plastic cutout of a bear claw. I think I mighta blushed.

POLT Listening to "Jungle Fever" by The Chakachas

It is better to give than to recieve, except in bed. - Emmett, Queer As Folk


Tam said...

Sounds like a fun time despite the panic and the delays. It never fails when you HAVE to be somewhere that's when delays show up. But you made it and had fun. I'm not sure I get the t-shirt slogan. *shrug*

I've been to a Waffle House in Orlando, it was scary. First time I've ever seen a hard crust on grits. Ick! Not that "I" eat grits *gag* but my kid seems to think they are delicious.

Anonymous said...

wow what fun! I have not been to a pride parade in ages.
