Saturday, June 27, 2009

Today, today, it's a dream away...

So today at work, things went rather well. It was a somewhat slow day, and I only had one co-worker in my area working, but she's a favorite of mine, so we talked a goodly portion of the day, which is always fun.

After work, I went to the comic book shop, for they were having a sale, with most things 50% off. And after a bit, The Mighty Lee and the Goddess V arrived, as planned. I tried my best to talk The Mighty Lee into spending more than he wanted (I know you don't really NEED it, but it's 50% OFF!), but did make a recommendation that he took. I myself ended up spending $63 dollars exactly, which was amazing that it came out to an even dollar, and was less than I expected to pay, but that's cause everything was 50% off! Now I'm gonna be spending the weekend reading graphic novels.

Afterwards, we went to El Paso and had a delectable Mexican dinner, wherein, I proved to the both that the chips and salsa were inDEED to DIE for! And we had much talking, and laughing, and enjoyable socializing.

I came home, hung out here a bit and then later in the evening got a phone call from my Fairy Godfather Mark in Michigan! I don't know when the last time was we spoke, sometime last year I believe, but we spoke for a bit over an hour catching up! It was great to hear from him, even though his health issues have got him down, but that's understandable as Crohn's Disease is really terrible thing. Still, it was very nice to talk to him again. I'll have to remember that the phone works both ways and call him in a few weeks, just to keep in touch.

And now, after having typed this, I'm probably going to shower and get to bed. It's been a good, full day.

POLT Listening to "Crush With Eyeliner" by R.E.M.

Dolphins know the secret of life, they just aren't telling. - Agnes Louise Uvula


Anonymous said...

Wow...that's a lot of comics at 50% off. Are you sure you didn't get any figurines or anything else???

Polt said...

got one action figue, the rest were graphic novels. Those generally $12 dollars or more each, but they were 50% OFF!!! :)