Sunday, June 21, 2009

Much too groovy a summer's day, to waste...

What a wonderful First Day Of Summer today was. It was about 80 degrees, but it was overcast, so there was no hot sun beating down, the humidity had disipated, and there was a strong cool breeze.

And I spent most of the day with mom. We had lunch, then sat around and talked, and folded programs for my cousin's upcoming wedding, and watched some TV, and both of us fell asleep for about an hour and a half and then we had supper and then we talked some more and then I came home. A lazy, easy, summer's day.

I hate summer, for the heat and humidity mostly, but if the whole of summer could be like today, I'd learn to LOVE it.

POLT Listening to "Lover's Spit" by Broken Social Scene

This is the computer station. I love it! This is just a porn recepticle, isn't it? - Thom, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Anonymous said...

Summer, what's that? It barely got to 65F here in RI, windy as hell. Though we're supposed to hit 80's midweek.

I love it warm, I really do. I get a little bit brownish red, and I love the fact that the boys can go half naked.

Ah, life in the city!

Virginia Rose Kane said...

Today is starting off pretty gorgeous, too. Enjoy! I think I'll take my bike down to the creek and see if I can't find me some half naked boys!

hoteltuesday said...

It's not gonna be nice anymore this summer. Rain every day.