Friday, June 12, 2009

When I was twelve, at summer camp (Part 20)...

12 for the 12th

Thanks to CHAD for thinking all this up and keeping it running.

The daily morning shave. Note the background photo. Helps me wake up the morning to see that first thing.

My morning ritual. Eleven pills. 1 Clariton, 1 baby aspirin, 1 fish oil tablet, 1 Men's One A Day vitamin, 1 over the counter Niacin, the rest are for diabetes or cholesteral. And this from a guy who could not swallow pills until he was 18 years old.

Went for lunch to Chipotle with my co-worker Laura. You'll see more of her when I post the Gay Pride parade photos as she's going with me. note the really cute guy in the background. After this photo, I zoomed the camera in and took another one of just him.

Me, at my desk working on some piece of paperwork drudgery. Luckily I have the iPod to keep me sane. Can you see how ecstatic I am to be doing this busy-work?

My desk. In my office. *SIGH* Could be worse, I could just have a cubicle.

Going down the stairs on my way to my car to go to the ParisPekings.

When I arrived at the ParisPekings, Susan asked me if I wanted to see the cutest thing *EVER*! Well of course I did, and there was Katie sleeping. She's such a little angel.

Me holding Baby Jackie. She's standing up all the time now, but I don't think she's actually walking yet.

Katie, playing her recorder at the table over her slice of pizza.

The supposed adults A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking, his missus, (Baby Jackie kinda hidden behind her) and Ghostie, who I think I shall now be calling Groovy McBrien, at least for a little while. Notice the pizza, wings and breadsticks. You can't see the tofu wings Groovy McBrien had...damn hippy vegetarian.

While the missus put the girls to bed, we flipped through the channels, and stumbled through the On Demand stuff, coming finally to the Karoke section, where we all took turns singing a multitude or old standards. And by that, I actually mean that I sang "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash, while the other two mocked me. (the words shown, though, are to Ball & Chain, but Social D)

Me trimming up the goatee before posting these, showering and going to bed.

POLT Listening to "You Oughtta Know" by Alanis Morisette

I was raised around heterosexuals, as all homosexuals are, that's where us gay people come heterosexuals. - Ellen DeGeneres


Chris said...

I think that photo of you at your desk encapsulates my feelings about my last month at mine...

Nice 12!!!

hoteltuesday said...

That guy in the background was cute.
And I think the walls make the office look depressing! You should wallpaper it somehow. lol.
Karaoke!? I'm so jealous. I'm dying to go to karaoke.

Scooter said...

Love the calendar. That will get you up in the morning. :)

I hate taking pills or vitamins, too. I always dread that it's going to get stuck in my throat. Ew.

The picture of Katie is darling!!

Michelle M. said...

Oh dear - your office looks a little dreary. Maybe it was the lighting? Perhaps you could get a plant or paint the walls purple...

Virginia Rose Kane said...

I have recently learned that a goatee accompanied by a mustache is actually called a Van Dyke. No pun intended.

JCB said...

I think you absolutely need to do something to liven up your office. 4 real.