Saturday, June 20, 2009

I got a fat-ass playa (Part 8)...

After not being at work last Saturday (Gay Pride, remember? One must have one's priorities) and not being able to weigh myself, I was able to do so today. And As of this morning, I weighed 269, which is three pounds less than two weeks ago, but only 6 pounds since the middle of march. Not much of an improvement over the last four months, but it is nice to finally break the 270 barrier. I'm pretty certain I've not been below 270 in at least 10 years. Now, I just gotta STAY below it.

POLT Listening to "Ode To My Family" by The Cranberries

Someone very strange, with very little promise, has taken charge of the leadership of the great empire. - Fidel Castro, spring, 2001

1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

You can do it!