Friday, August 07, 2009

Better hold steady, they can't control this angry mob...

Ah, Glenny Beck...

Glenn has used his radio and tv's shows to incite and get all worked up into a lather some rightwing nuts to go to town hall meetings where people want to discuss, debate, and have their questions answered about the health care reform plan and have them shout down the speakers, yell over the answered the Congresspeople attempt to give, loudly repeat their Fox Noise approved slogans no matter who's trying to say what, stand up, and just basically forget that there's something called civility and manners.

And now, Glenny is distressed because these same people have been called an angry mob. He's sure he never heard anything like that come out of the Bush White House about people that disagreed with President Bush.

And Glenny is right. I never heard the Bushies call the people that disagreed with them an "angry mob." No, I remember being called "morally deficient", "unpatriotic", "anti-American", "pro-terrorist". "Nazi sympathizer", and "siding with the enemy over our American soldiers".

No indeed, Glenny, no "angry mob" mentioned anywhere from the Bush White House. I suppose it was harsh enough for them, then had to find nastier words than a simple "angry mob".

POLT Listening to "Sensual" by PhonJaxx & Cozi Costi

I could buy a decent used car right now, or an amazingly thorough prostitute! - Ron, Undeclared

1 comment:

Polt said...

Well, after calling Obama a racist last week, three advertisers on his TV show pulled thier ads and their money. And if there's one thing Rupert Murdock craves more than air, it's money. So if he keeps losing ads, I don't know how long he'll last.