Sunday, August 09, 2009

Static on your frequency, electrical storm in your veins...

Okay, I'm not sure how much of this I've mentioned before, so bear with me. Last Monday, I got with my realtor and we went over my inspector's report. We decided that we'd ask the seller to handle all the electrical issues, and two other small things, and we'd take everything else. My realtor was going to fax it to the seller's realtor on Tuesday.

Then, on Thursday I got a call from my lender. She said the FHA assessor had been to the house. He said the house was worth what I was going to pay for it, so that's good. Also, he had a list of things that needed to meet FHA requirements before they'd agree to the loan, or something. At any rate, all he listed was that the exterior windows needed scraped and repainted. That's IT! No mention of the electrical issues, even though the box with the deterorated insulation and stuff was right next to the windows! It was surprising, but the good thing was, the only thing we needed to do to get the loan was repaint the windows.

However, that still left ALL the electrical issues. I still wanted the seller to fix it, cause it would have to be done eventually, I didn't want to have to pay for it two years down the road or something. So i thought I'll just wait until I hear from my realtor and see what the seller said.

So, this morning, I still hadn't heard from the realtor, which kinda concerned me somewhat. I thought I should have heard something. So in my mind, I gave her until 7:00 tonight and then I was gonna call her and see what was up.

Well, late this morning she called me. She said she took the packet to the other realtor Tuesday instead of faxed it and went over it with him in his office. Then she said he called her 'late in the week' and asked if she knew a good electrician around the area.

And I started pumping my hand in the air and grinning like a fool, while mom glared at me with a questioning look on her face. The realtor said she told him about a girl from a local company that works on her (my realtor's) properties that she has. And so, my realtor said, she fully expects the woman to come back with an addendum to the contract saying that she'll give me either the money to fix is or a credit on the price of the house! But either way, it looks like she'll pay to get it fixed!!!! Sweet!

This was worrying me, especially after the FHA guy didn't mention it. I was going to use that as leverage to get her to fix it. But apparently, i won't have to!

So it looks like everything's a go still for settlement on August 31st. And I gotta tell you, it seriously freaks me out to think I three weeks from tomorrow, I could be a home owner! Surprising, unbelievable, and not a little frightening!

But here's something interesting: if we DO go to settlement on August 31st, that will be three full months from the moment I decided I wanted to seriously look into buying a house until I actually bought one. And in addition, if I settle on the 31st, that means the first full date of my ownership will be September 1st...which just so happens to be the exact date I moved into this apartment, albeit 12 years later.

Kinda ironic, eh? Kinda fitting too, I think.

POLT Listening to "867-5309/Jenny" by Tommy Tutone

If you're gonna be assassinated, might as well get the perfect carpet first, that's what I always say. - Black Canary, Birds Of Prey #87

1 comment:

tornwordo said...

Exciting! Hope everything goes smoothly.