Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So the bus is pulling out and i'm grounded...

What do the following companies have in common?

Geico Insurance
Men's Warehouse
Proctor & Gamble
Progressive Insurance
SC Johnson
Sargento Cheese
and possibly State Farm Insurance

Give up? Well, they're all companies that have withdrawn their ads and support from Glenny Beck's TV and radio shows after Glenny called Obama a racist who hated white people and culture and suggested poisoning Nancy Pelosi.

And how crazy are your shows when insurance companies are pulling money out when the country's in the midst of insurance reform and you'd think they'd want you to keep spouting the lines they feed you? Glenny's even turned off the people he's supposed to be helping!

We'll see how long Glenny keeps his TV and radio show going if he keeps hemorrhaging advertisers and thier money. I mean, Rupert Murdock's all for conservative causes and principles and all, but ultimately, he's all about money. And if he's losing a lot of that, I'm pretty sure money will trump principle in the House Of Fox any day of the week.

POLT Listening to "Blue Monday" by New Order

Not your fault? You were smoking grass, no license, and you hit a parked cop car! - Outside Providence

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