Saturday, August 29, 2009

Home alone my movie night, it used to be...

Last night, I went to the home of A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking. I went for two reasons: 1) to enjoy the company of him and his family while sharing food, good times and a movie, and 2) to store my Tub O'Porn in his garage.

THIS is the Tub O'Porn, and to give you an idea of perspective, that's my size 12 sneaker sitting next to it. And it's filled to the top. And remember, I gave away four large garbage bags of porn that I no longer wanted to a friend!

Anyway, once there, we ate pizza and wings, played with the girls, and watched "Walk The Line" on DVD. And nearly the entire time watching the movie, I had Missy, the dog, sitting on my lap, sleeping. And of course, I have some photos:

This is baby Jacky, and as she's doing here, all she seemed to do all night was laugh. I mean, eye twinkling, open mouthed, dimple faced, deep laughing. It was hilarious.

These are photos of Missy: looking at me, her head resting in my hand, and flat out sleeping deeply.

And these are my friends Ghostie, ALCMDPP and Mrs. ALCMDPP, all enjoying the movie...even though they looking at all things other than the tv.

Still, a good time was had by all.

POLT Listening to "Thieves Like Us" by New Order

Boys might be bad sex, but they tend to indefatigable. - Paul Reidinger, The City Kid


Anonymous said...

Go check out my flickr site. It's accessible off my blog if you don't know the address for it.

Friends bred their Chihuahua named Chiqui and she had 4 puppies.

Their other dog, also a Chihuahua named Roxy was all affectionate with me. Snuggling up next to me on the couch, etc. I guess she's feeling a little neglected.

Anonymous said... really do have a lot of porn. Not that I doubted you, but as Joe Dirt would say, "Dang!"