Monday, August 24, 2009

I called the realtor again today, and the electrician told her all the work would be done by Friday. Which, since my lender says I need the insurance by Wednesday, really does me no good at all. My realtor said the electrician told her there was more work there than she expected, which again means nothing to me if it's not done on time. My realtor said she's talked to the insurance agent, who said something in writing from the electrian should be enough, he wouldn't have to go back and look at it again. I don't know about all that, but whatever.

So, I'm waiting for the realtor to call me back after she talks to the electrician again. Yeah, we'll see what happens there. I told her either this work has to be done so I can get insurance Wednesday, or we'll just have to postpone the settlement. I don't care which way she wants to go, but it has to be one or the other. The realtor said she'd get back to me today.

Hopefully THIS is the other show I've been stressing about. This can possibly be handled in time. I don't want something ELSE to be the other show (the third shoe) showing up like Friday late afternoon or Monday morning.

POLT Listening to "She-Bop" by Cyndi Lauper

Yearning is wanting something so badly, like, it hurts. - Justin, Queer As Folk


Anonymous said...

It'll all work out. I've never had an insurance company be so picky in my real estate dealings.

Hey, at least you're online now :)

Anonymous said...

typical last days of the settlement. Don't worry my brother all will work out.
