Monday, August 10, 2009

This was our secret, our meetings were so discreet...

So, I was thinking tonight about Tam, who I've met twice (in Toronto, and here a few weeks ago at my work). And I thought of her trip through the states, and all the regular commentors on Puntabulous (hereforafter called Puntabupeople) she got to meet on that trip. And that got me thinking about all the different Puntabupeople out there, and how that vast majority of them are in the northeastern USA, a goodly portion in the NYC area. Course, I'm in PA, Dave S. is in Ohio, Mark is in Virginia, there's a few north of the border, and even an apparent West Coast contingent of Puntabupeople.

And what awesome people they are! I've never known such a fun, caring, funny and interesting groups of people that I've talked on a regular basis and yet never met in person.

Which got me thinking about all the meetings of Puntabupeople. And so, being slightly bored, I made a chart.

Granted, my chart making skills are barely above that of a demented five year old or a senile chimp, but still I think it shows how the Puntabuworld revolves around Tam...which is as it should be.

At any rate, have I missed any meetings? Anyone meet a Puntabuperson NOT on the chart? Any two Puntabupeople not marked as having met that have? Let me know. I want it to be accurate.

POLT Listening to "Talk Show Host" by Radiohead

It's not everyday that someone gets nominated for a Crystal Dick! That's huge! - Ted, Queer As Folk


Bill said...

I believe Chris D & Craig need a connecting line.

Craig said...

It's true, we need one. Otherwise this is fantastic! Such a great idea!

And me and Polt will be meeting at his house warming no doubt ;-)

Tam said...

How cool is that chart. Although I feel slightly like the sun with everyone revolving around me. LOL We need to get some westcoasters on there.

Michelle M. said...

Aargh. I'm not even on the chart! At least I'm apparent.

Michelle M. said...

And I think you should post this on the Argyle Lounge, where it can be updated with even more Puntabumeets.