Tuesday, August 18, 2009

An utterance, infomation, don't mince words (Part

TMI Tuesdays
1. What is the longest you have been in a monogamous sexual relationship? [For the purpose of this question monogamous is defined as no sexual partners that your significant other does (did) not know about.] Hmm, well to be totally honest, I’m not sure I’ve ever been in a totally monogamous relationship.
2. If your current relationship would fail, do you have a back-up for physical or emotional comfort? I’m not in a current relationship, but I imagine my ‘back-up’ plan would be similar to what I’m doing now: Fuckbuddies for the physical, and a wide circle of loving friends and family for the emotional.
3. Can you be "just friends" with someone when there is an unrequited sexual attraction? I am proof that you can. There have been several guys that I’ve had major crushes on, but they were straight and uninterested, so we just remained friends. In fact, right now, my friend Corey fits right into that category
4. In a assumed monogamous sexual relationship have you ever cheated, been cheated upon or been a knowing third party to the infidelity? [For the purpose of this question monogamous is defined as no sexual partners that a significant other does (did) not know about.] Well, referring back to question 1, I have done some cheating. And after a relationship ended, I found out I was cheated upon. And yeah, I’ve been ‘the other woman’ more than once.
5. Historically, what has caused the most arguments in your relationships? Honestly, in the relationships I’ve had, there’s not been many arguments. I guess the ones that there have been dealt with little peccadilloes we each had that eventually got on the others’ nerves.
Bonus (as in optional):What do you want from a partner in a long term relationship? I’m not even sure I want a long term relationship. But if I’m in one, I need someone who’s NOT needy, who gives me my own time when I want it; who’s not possessive; who excites me sexually; but above all, I want someone who’s FUN!


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