Thursday, August 13, 2009

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part174)...

Once more, kids, it's time for....
So, you ever have one of those week's where nothing really happens HNT photo-worthy, and you have a lot of other things going on and it ends up Wednesday evening and you still have nothing for HNT? Yeah, well, that was me this week.

What to do, what to I just started trolling through all the random photos I've taken over the years. That's the nice thing about a digital camera, even if it's a sucky photo, you can still hang onto it, cause you'll never know when you'll need it again.

So, back in April, I was taking a walk on a sunny afternoon, and I got my camera out to take a photo of something, but as I was jostling the camera around, and continuing to walk, I accidently hit the button, and got this.

Yeah, it ain't much, but it shows a clear sky, my dark glasses indicate a sunny day, and the fact that I'm out getting some kind of, any kind of, exercise is surely noteworthy as well. And plus, it's better than anything else I had.

To see what others put up this week, click HERE.

POLT Listening to "Sweet Dreams" by The Eurthymics

No booze, no drugs, no mad gay love, you really are old fashioned! - Chris Tyler, The Coming Storm


Ashly Star said...

Accidental pictures rock sometimes. =o) Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Interesting - I have almost the same hair color except mine trends more toward blond, particularly in bright sunshine.

Add to that my Italian and native American ancestry and it means I get a reddish brown tan.

lime said...

that convergence of events turned you on your ear did it?

Anonymous said...

That's great!

Although, for a second, I thought you were laying down on the road or something. lol

Anonymous said...

Dude, I totally understand where you're coming from. At least you put up a photo.