Thursday, August 06, 2009

I'm a burglar in the first degree, but it don't seem to worry...

Mom invited me over after work supper. She had gotten some corn on the cob, and was making burgers and dogs on the grill with the corn. And of COURSE I said yes!

When I got there, she was out on the patio at the grill, and she said, "I have something to show you." She lifted up the grill and this is what I saw:

Pointing to the misshapen one in the front, she said, "Guess what happened to it?" I said she dropped it. Then said she took a bite out of it. And then it came to me, "ANGEL took a bite out of it!" "RAW!" she added!

Apparently, Mom had brought the plate full of food out to put on the grill, forgot the tongs, put the plate on the picknick table and went back in for the tongs. No more than 5 seconds later, she was back at the patio, and saw Angel sitting there, licking her lips. Only later did she notice the bite out of the hamburger! *SIGH*

That dog gets into ANY food she can find. It's like we never feed her. She's tipped over a trash can and rooted through it to get a candy bar wrapper and lick the melted chocolate off it. She's climb sofas, chairs, and stools to get to high food. But she's so damn cute and funny, you just can't be mad at her.

Yep, that's the Hamburglar herself. Course, what else is funny is that Mom just threw it on the grill, cooked it up, and ate it herself! But really, she gives us "kisses" with her tongue on the face and stuff, so whatever. And with her delicate stomach, she's probably more at risk eating after us than we are after her. And Mom told her that if she throws up tonight, Mom's gonna kick her ass. And Angel sat there, looking up innocently, panting, her little stub tail wagging.

Honestly, I bet they have conversations all day. Wish I could get cameras rigged up to record it all.

POLT Listening to "Sanctuary" by The Cult

His looks were stunning, like a physical blow.


Michelle M. said...

Ah well, sounds like a dog being a dog.

Corn on the cob - divine!

that's J-O-S-H said...

One time in college, mis amigoz y yo were sitting our drunk asses down outside of the freshmen dorm building and some kid started chucking cold cooked hamburgerz down @ us from his room on lyke the 7th floor. Coincidentally, everyday after that for the rest of the semester, we ran into him and always said hello to him as "The Hamburglar." What. A. Douche. Monster.